
what words to write

A blank page. To me the most daunting thing on earth. That perfect page to be famed or scorned forever depending on what YOU put there. What a scary thought. How can you fill up that much space?

I've always hated writing. A strange confession for a blogger you might think. When I was young I thought I'd love to be an authoress when I grew up. I loved coming up with plots from everywhere and anywhere. In fact I still do. I keep a folder full of short plots, my little treasures. However I've realized writing isn't where my talents lie.

Last year I admitted to myself that, seeing my writing is what it is, maybe blogging was not for me. And it may not be, but I don't care. Over the last year I forced myself to keep the break I promised myself. I've found that blogging has become a part of my life. I need a place to write what words I will. I can't tell you how hard it was for me not to hop on blogger and post something. Every time I got the urge I had to remind myself to work on getting this blog up.

Bear with me as I improve my writing and find my new purpose in blogging. I can't wait to see where this new blog will take me.

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