about the authoress

Here you can find a little bit about the girl behind this blog. You know, the things that make me, me.

Random things about me: I...
am a Christian
am 16 years-old
live in Tennessee
have lived in Texas and California
live in the country
am the oldest
have 3 sister and 4 brothers
am a junior in high school
am home schooled

I love...
the south
hot chocolate
good books
mexican food
southern, homemade food
cute clothing
playing at fantasy with my friends
music (especially soundtracks (my favorites are Lord of the Rings, Phantom of the Opera, and Les Miserables) and Celtic music)
old-fashioned letter writing
the idea of traveling out of the country (never actually done it)
learning about cinematography
fashion designing
the color purple (and silver)
animals (especially dogs and horses)
art, my favorite mediums are graphite and acrylic paint

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